Coway Water Purifiers: Comprehensive Comparisons


Clean water is essential for our health and well-being. With many pollutants and contaminants affecting our water sources, it’s vital to have an effective water purification system at home. This is where Coway water purifiers come in. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the world of Coway water purifiers, comparing their top models and discussing their unique features, pros, and cons. Let’s get started!

Overview of Coway Water Purifiers

Coway, a South Korean company, is a global leader in water purification technology. With a strong commitment to innovation, Coway has introduced a range of water purifiers that cater to the varying needs of customers worldwide.

The importance of water purification

Water purification is crucial to ensure we consume safe and clean water free from contaminants. These contaminants can include bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and chemicals. Coway water purifiers use advanced technologies to deliver clean, fresh, and great-tasting water.

Coway’s commitment to innovation

Coway strives to provide innovative solutions to improve the quality of water we consume. Their water purifiers are designed with advanced technologies, ensuring that customers have access to the best water purification systems.

Coway Villaem II (CHP-18AR)

Key features

  • 6-stage filtration process
  • Real-time water quality monitoring
  • Hot, cold, and ambient water temperature settings
  • Tankless design

Pros and cons


  • Space-saving design
  • Intelligent water quality monitoring
  • Energy-efficient


  • Higher price compared to other models
  • No built-in electrolysis feature

Coway Ombak (CHP-7310R)

Key features

  • 5-stage filtration process
  • Electrolysis for alkaline water
  • Hot, cold, and ambient water temperature settings
  • Sleek design

Pros and cons


  • Alkaline water feature
  • Stylish design
  • Large capacity tank


  • Bulky size
  • Higher maintenance cost

Coway Ferry (CHP-3710R)

Key features

  • 4-stage filtration process
  • Nanotrap filter for ultra-pure water
  • Hot, cold, and ambient
  • water temperature settings
  • Compact design

Pros and cons


  • Nanotrap filter for superior water purification
  • Space-saving design
  • Energy-efficient


  • No alkaline water feature
  • Smaller capacity tank

Coway Kecil (CHP-06DL)

Key features

  • 4-stage filtration process
  • Ultrafiltration (UF) membrane
  • Ambient water temperature
  • Slim and compact design

Pros and cons


  • Budget-friendly
  • Compact and sleek design
  • UF membrane for bacteria and virus removal


  • No hot or cold water options
  • No alkaline water feature

Coway Captain (CHP-08AR)

Key features

  • 5-stage filtration process
  • Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane
  • Hot, cold, and ambient water temperature settings
  • Elegant design

Pros and cons


  • RO membrane for exceptional water purification
  • Stylish design
  • Large capacity tank


  • Higher price compared to other models
  • Bulky size

Coway Water Purifier Technologies

Coway water purifiers employ a variety of advanced technologies to ensure optimal water purification:

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

RO is a highly effective water purification technology that removes contaminants by forcing water through a semi-permeable membrane. This process effectively removes dissolved salts, bacteria, viruses, and other impurities.


The Nanotrap filter is a cutting-edge technology that captures and removes contaminants as small as 0.001 microns, providing ultra-pure water.

Ultrafiltration (UF)

UF technology utilizes a hollow fiber membrane to remove contaminants like bacteria and viruses, providing clean and safe drinking water.


Electrolysis is the process of producing alkaline water by passing an electrical current through water, splitting it into alkaline and acidic components.

Ease of Maintenance

Coway water purifiers are designed with user-friendly maintenance features, such as easy filter replacement and automatic cleaning functions. The company also provides professional after-sales service to ensure hassle-free maintenance.

Price Comparison

While Coway offers a wide range of water purifiers to cater to various budgets, it’s essential to consider the features, purification technology, and maintenance costs when comparing prices.

Warranty and Customer Support

Coway provides excellent warranty coverage and customer support, ensuring peace of mind for customers. Their after-sales service includes regular maintenance, filter replacement, and prompt assistance in case of any issues.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Water Purifier

When choosing a water purifier, it’s essential to consider the following factors:

  • Water quality: Evaluate the quality of water in your area to determine which purification technology is best suited for your needs.
  • Purification technology: Select a water purifier based on the technology that effectively removes contaminants specific to your water source.
  • Budget: Consider the initial cost, as well as ongoing maintenance and filter replacement costs.
  • Maintenance: Choose a water purifier that is easy to maintain and has a reliable after-sales service.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Which Coway water purifier is best for my home? The best Coway water purifier for your home depends on your water quality, purification technology preference, and budget.
  2. Do Coway water purifiers require professional installation? Yes, Coway water purifiers should be installed by a professional to ensure proper setup and functioning.
  3. How often do I need to replace the filters in my Coway water purifier? Filter replacement frequency depends on the specific model and usage, but generally, filters should be replaced every 6-12 months. Coway provides guidelines on filter replacement intervals for each model.
  4. Can I use a Coway water purifier with well water? Yes, Coway water purifiers can be used with well water. However, it’s essential to choose a model with the appropriate purification technology based on the contaminants present in your well water.
  5. Does Coway offer a warranty on their water purifiers? Yes, Coway offers warranty coverage on their water purifiers, including parts and labor. The warranty period may vary depending on the model.


    Coway water purifiers are designed to cater to a wide range of customer needs and preferences. With advanced purification technologies, stylish designs, and user-friendly maintenance features, Coway provides an excellent option for those looking to invest in a reliable water purification system. By considering factors such as water quality, purification technology, budget, and maintenance, you can choose the perfect Coway water purifier for your home.